Vu sur le web: Balisong/Butterfly Knife Anatomy – Squid Industries

17 octobre 2021 0 Par

Balisongs, often referred to as butterfly knives, are typically recognized by their two-handle design. A balisong is defined as a knife with two folding handles that rotate on pivots to become a sheath. Despite its simple definition, there are many unique features that differ from one balisong to another. Balisongs are typically separated into two categories—live blades and trainers. The …Balisongs, often referred to as butterfly knives, are typically recognized by their two-handle design. A balisong is defined as a knife with two folding handles that rotate on pivots to become a sheath. Despite its simple definition, there are many unique features that differ from one balisong to another. Balisongs are typically separated into two categories—live blades and trainers. The …Read More