Vu sur Reddit: I was lucky enough to pick this up on blade hq last week. All I’ve « flipped » (beginner here) before was the lucha and a squiddy. I pulled this out and my jaw hit the floor when I opened it. Pray for my bank account. (Yes I brought a box fan outside, and say hello to my little angel of a dog)

Vu sur Reddit: I was lucky enough to pick this up on blade hq last week. All I’ve « flipped » (beginner here) before was the lucha and a squiddy. I pulled this out and my jaw hit the floor when I opened it. Pray for my bank account. (Yes I brought a box fan outside, and say hello to my little angel of a dog)

6 juillet 2021 0 Par

submitted by /u/Ursadew to r/balisong
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